3100 mls 2018 and 1000 mls 2022
2020 CDT and 2024 GDT
Continental Divide Great Divide Trail
Trail USA Canada
Trail Riding Info
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2200 mls 2015 1900 mls
Argentina 2017 Athens
Los Andes Greece to Kassel Germany
Trail Riding Info
The horse
The goal of trail riding is harmony with the horse and nature!
The horse always comes first. We train and relieve the horse as often as we can. Its needs and physical and mental abilities are always given priority. The trail riding horse is kept in a species-appropriate manner, is well cared for, cooperative and rideable. The horse has a suitable saddle and is equipped with hoof protection appropriate to the terrain. We recommend using green Duplos in the mountains.
To make it as comfortable as possible for the horse, we ride with a knotted halter and round reins with a breaking point.
The pad is wrapped in a blanket that we can wash in the river if necessary. We use neoprene straps with an external center seam because we haven't had any chafing or pressure points in 20 years.
If my saddle doesn't allow for a second rear girth, I use a tail strap so that I can tighten the front girth as loosely as possible. With a front harness, of course.
The pedestrian always comes first. We pass him - greeting him - at walking pace.
On the mountain we cross the valley side.
We are gentlemen and behave accordingly towards riders and hosts.
We obey traffic regulations and do not endanger ourselves or others.
The picturesque villages of Switzerland are happy to welcome us as horse-riding tourists. But not necessarily about the manure that our horses leave behind. It is therefore a good idea to take two garbage bags with you so that our manure fertilizes the roses and not the asphalt.
Sidewalks may not be used and if they are, the apples must always be removed. Bicycle paths may be used in dangerous places, otherwise they are off-limits. Large animals are prohibited, which means that, unlike in Germany, horses may not be led under the prohibition sign.
We respect the farmers’ property and do not damage any paths or trails.
We adapt our pace to the terrain and avoid hiking and cycling paths wherever possible and use gravel paths wherever they are available to us.
We carefully close gates that we open and respect hunting times and the work of foresters and hunters.
Narrow paths that are unpaved may only be
used as long as nothing is damaged.
The rules in nature reserves must be observed. Manure from barbecue huts etc. must be disposed of. Bivouacking on grazing areas in the forest is not permitted.
Since we usually need hay or grass for the horses anyway, the farmer is our best friend, even for overnight stays.
Above the tree line I usually don't need to ask anymore and can bivouac anywhere. (leave no traces)
Trail Rules
Das Pferd kommt zuerst. -
Informiere das Team über dein Pferd. -
Du bist für dein Pferd und Ausrüstung alleine verantwortlich. -
Sei bereit und pünktlich und warte bis alle bereit sind, abzureiten. -
Wir reiten im Team. -
Halte Deine Position im Schritt, Trab und Galopp. -
Halte Abstand zum Vordermann. Pferde verdursten nicht, wenn sie mal 2 Stunden ohne Wasser auskommen müssen. -
Der Trailboss hat das Sagen. .
Western Lore
Stories from your neighbor's past should not interest you.
You discuss problems with your neighbor when you can see the whites of his eyes.
You shall not speak evil of any enemy, nor shall you give up on him if he gives up.
You should not be ungrateful.
You shall not take away from anyone anything that does not belong to you.
You should be ready to help, support the weak and women, and defend them against everything and everyone and not tolerate that even a hair on their head should be harmed.