Trail Riding Info
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learning to trust your horse...
01. Extremtrail Schaffhausen

Trail riding - experience - enjoy with a touch of adventure.
To ensure that it remains a touch of adventure and does not degenerate into stress, it is important to be prepared. Prepared for the small difficulties that we may encounter every day. The cows in the pasture, the barking dog, the tractor or the narrow bridge.
Extremtrail offers exclusively in Schaffhausen
Trust the horse more - gain security - strengthen trust
We take you and your horse on the extreme trail to work on your leadership skills in the field. On the extreme trail you will learn:
.....clear division of tasks between you and your horse
.....correct behavior in tricky situations do you give your horse security.
We will help you face the challenges of the terrain over two days.
You lead your horse along narrow paths, over various bridges, ford streams, climb in the terrain and ride in a wide river. We practice drag lifts and leading downhill
in steep terrain.
We can practice all of these things together in a small group of max. 6 riders. We take the time it takes and introduce you and your horse to the challenges in small steps. Your horse will be happy about the new tasks and your trust and will prove to you that it can do much more than you think it can.
You will learn to trust your horse and thus give him security.

Even though your horse doesn't have to do this, he could if you let him .
This photo was taken in the Pyrenees in 2010.
Flash was 22 years old at the time and climbed down a 15 m cliff on his own because he didn't want to wait for me to come and get him.

A healthy horse that has no gait defects does not need any special protective equipment other than hoof protection. However, we do require that the horses have a knotted halter with a long lead rope under the bit so that we do not hurt the horse when leading it or if it falls. Before we get to the obstacles, we usually walk and ride for around 4 km. We practice suppleness, rideability and various maneuvers at a walk and trot. This allows us to see how the individual riders get on with their horses.
The horse seeks security from the rider, which can lead to the horse jumping exactly where the rider is standing, so the rider has to be out of the way when the horse arrives.
The horse tries to get over the obstacle as quickly as possible. However, the goal is to overcome the obstacle calmly and slowly. This flight forward is often a problem for insecure horses and their riders.
That is why the long lead rope is needed, which allows you to stand at a sufficient distance in front of or behind the horse.
Obstacles may be overcome on foot or on horseback. The horse should look at and inspect the obstacle itself.
And if possible, decide independently how it wants to overcome the obstacle. Assistance from the rider is of course permitted, but only in the order described. This happens more easily in a group because when the lead horse has overcome the obstacle, a group dynamic is created that motivates the following horses to also overcome the obstacle.
The most important thing is that the rider trusts his horse and believes that it can overcome the obstacle.
Because if the rider signals to the horse through his body language that the obstacle cannot be overcome, then it will block and not try to solve the task.
This trust in the horse and its abilities is the basis for further joint activities and the resulting mutual trust.
- Thu, May 29Schleitheim
- Sat, Jun 14Schleitheim